Amazon, Ah, Amazon....Behind the Scenes Intrigue

Amazon, Ah, Amazon....Behind the Scenes Intrigue

We cannot control what a giant entity like Amazon does on the back end, and it is often frustrating for authors and publishers alike.

We released this marvelous book on the same date as James Hessler and Britt Isenberg's powerful "Gettysburg's Peach Orchard" study and author Ron Kirkwood is naturally wondering why the heck Amazon has not released it yet on its website.
Ah, Amazon. Have I said that already?

In short, hundreds and hundreds of copies of Ron's wonderful new book have been mailed to Amazon. But . . . we have to follow the Amazon procedure for mailing books out or we get fined.

Want more detail? We have shipped out three (3!) waves of the book to Amazon based on building demand on 6-14, on 6-17, and 6-20. Some of those went to its NJ warehouse, and others to its PA warehouse.

According to our international distributor, it MUST follow the "rules" attached to each PO from Amazon, especially regarding shipping dates. If it does not follow them, we are fined on a per-unit basis as high as 50% of the book’s retail price. Yes, you read that right.
We also must ship within the required window it gives on the PO–early or late, and there is a fine.

Amazon can note books as delivered (the first two shipments are currently noted as delivered) but Amazon is so big and busy it can take 10+ days for the books to go into inventory and the status to change on the site to available.

Sadly there is nothing we can do on our end about that. The status should be changing any day now.

Meanwhile, if you want a copy with a signed book plate, you can order it directly off our website (as many of you have--thank you) at

If you have ANY interest in Gettysburg, and especially what happened to the wounded and want to learn how the surgeons, soldiers, and civilians coped with the horriffic slaughter and suffering, this is your book. It is NOT a rehash of Greg Coco's magnificent studies but compliments and adds to them. In fact, many of Ron Kirkwood's primary sources were not readily available when Greg was alive and writing and Ron did some extraordinary research.

Get the book. Guarantee that you will love it. First edition looks to be half gone already.

Thank you!