Books New and Old ... a few of my favorite things

Books New and Old ... a few of my favorite things

One of the joys of managing accounts for Savas Beatie is savoring a paragraph here and there in books new or old.

New books introduce me to new ideas or information about familiar personalities, places or battles.

In Challenges of Command, Civil War soldiers and statesmen are connected to their Revolutionary War ancestors: Col. William Aylett traces back to Patrick Henry; Brig. Gen. George Wythe Randolph could look back to ancestor Thomas Jefferson; off Broadway, Alexander Hamilton’s grandson Maj. Gen. Schuyler Hamilton fought in multiple CW battles. This single chapter of Sommer’s book provides a wealth of detail about many lineages and their contributions.

Prior releases still engage me for multiple reasons of their own.

Older titles remind me what good writers are SB authors (savor the passage from Failure in the Saddle, above), how hardy must have been the infantry (even women! Witness Kady Brownell who served with her husband, depicted in The New Civil War Handbook, right), and how fickle the grape that blasted hot from the cannon to strike this man but not that one.

Whether a new Emerging Revolutionary War Series book or a familiar Emerging Civil War Series book, whether the steadfast Gettysburg Cyclorama or the new atlas The Maps of Fredericksburg, appealing reads surround me.

What are some of your favorite SB titles from the past? Or most anticipated in the future?