First Award of 2020!!

Michael C. Hardy Awarded Robertson Prize!

The Robert E. Lee Civil War Library & Research Center of Central New Jersey has awarded the 2018 Dr. James I. Robertson Jr. Literary Prize for Confederate History to Michael C. Hardy for his book General Lee's Immortals: The Battles and Campaigns of the Branch-Lane Brigade in the Army of Northern Virginia, 1861-1865.

"Mr. Hardy's brigade level study of the North Carolinians of Generals Branch and Lane of the ANV is a brigade level tome at its very best. The book covers the oft unheralded North Carolina brigade's and campaigns and battles from the outbreak of war and the brigade's organization to the surrender of Lee's Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox Court House in April 1865.

Hardy's volume not only covers the brigade's battle action, with an exhaustive amount of research and keen analysis, but also details the sacrifices, deprivations, triumphs, and ultimate defeat of these proud battle-hardened veterans. This is a brigade narrative the way it should be written and deserves a place on the book shelf of any Civil War reader."

The Dr. James I. Robertson Jr. Literary Prize for Confederate History honors the late Dr. James Robertson for his outstanding contribution and teaching in the field of civil War and Confederate History as the one time Alumni distinguished Professor of History at Virginia Tech University.

Congratulations, Michael, on a job well done!