Wednesday Warm Up

Wednesday Warm Up

I hope that many of you have thawed out from your Polar Vortex last week. We are still in a bit of a deep freeze here. My daughter's high school even had a snow day yesterday! Crazy times!

We are busy here at SB. I have been working with our Spring 2019 authors to gather info for the Library of Congress. Because of this, I have been given a sneak peek at the contents of these upcoming books. I am not a book reviewer by any stretch of the imagination, but I have to say that we have some very interesting reads coming your way in the next few months. You would expect nothing less.

Back to the Library of Congress....Have you noticed the copyright page of favorite SB book? I never bothered too much with it except to check on a copyright date. Well, if you look closely, there may be subject and classification lines. By obtaining brief summaries and various chapters from the authors, the LOC scans the document for reoccurring words and categorizes accordingly. This then helps libraries determine where to place our books and, in turn, helps patrons locate them. 

That's your lesson for the day. You're welcome and stay warm!