Looking Forward

Looking Forward

There’s always a lot happening right around the corner in the publishing world. Sometimes it’s a short corner (10+ author events in the next 10 or so days) and sometimes it’s a long corner. For example:

- the authors of Gettysburg's Peach Orchard are putting the finishing touches on their manuscript to make sure we have a Summer 2019 book debut;

- we’re already planning which full-color books we need to reprint NOW to have copies in time for the 2019 tourist season (think The Maps of Antietam and The Gettysburg Cyclorama);

- and, the moment we turn the calendar to 2019, we will solidify the list of titles that we’ll publish the second half of 2019, complete with book descriptions, great titles and subtitles, and awesome book covers.

More news as we have other exciting tidbits just around the corner . . . in one sense of the word or another.